prefers_chess May 20, 2011 13:11
tick tock tick tock, guidance would be ecstatic, flagrant invasion of privacy, would have preferred garbage detail, not sure if want, twits beware, i want to go home, adoption proceedings, do not disturb, plays chess like bobby fischer, every clone's worst nightmare, rudy is not amused, nothing fazes rudy miller, forced to socialize, at least it's not alcatraz, super sekrit mad skillz, future technology is nifty, shape up or you don't eat
prefers_chess Oct 20, 2010 13:31
observing the natives, guidance would be ecstatic, back to the future, roommate, sneaky yet adorable, how to make rudy miller smile, twits beware, world domination is imminent, adoption proceedings, faithful canine companion, this will not end well, do not disturb, perpetually deadpan, nothing fazes rudy miller, who let him have a puppy, he knows everything, evil genius, super sekrit mad skillz, a boy and his dog
prefers_chess Sep 10, 2010 13:08
observing the natives, guidance would be ecstatic, flagrant invasion of privacy, back to the future, would have preferred garbage detail, not sure if want, i want to go home, adoption proceedings, surrogate home sweet home, do not disturb, well huh, mom de pompadour, perpetually deadpan, forced to socialize, at least it's not alcatraz, he knows everything, shape up or you don't eat
prefers_chess Aug 10, 2010 21:06
tick tock tick tock, post curse, obviously up to something, observing the natives, roommate, sneaky yet adorable, i want to go home, adoption proceedings, a pretty good sense of direction, surrogate home sweet home, perpetually deadpan, jailbreak is imminent, former head counsellor webster, nothing fazes rudy miller, at least it's not alcatraz, he knows everything, evil genius, shape up or you don't eat
prefers_chess Jun 09, 2010 16:59
surrogate home sweet home, tick tock tick tock, well huh, post curse, observing the natives, jailbreak is imminent, perpetually deadpan, roommate, nothing fazes rudy miller, not sure if want, at least it's not alcatraz, adoption proceedings, shape up or you don't eat
prefers_chess May 22, 2010 17:13
surrogate home sweet home, obviously up to something, where is my webster?, plays chess like bobby fischer, observing the natives, jailbreak is imminent, perpetually deadpan, nothing fazes rudy miller, sneaky yet adorable, at least it's not alcatraz, i want to go home, adoption proceedings
prefers_chess May 19, 2010 17:26
guidance would be ecstatic, perpetually deadpan, i love the eighties, nothing fazes rudy miller, at least it's not alcatraz, forced to socialize, he knows everything, adoption proceedings, shape up or you don't eat